
When entertaining during a sporting event, whether it's indoors in the comfort of your living room, or in the parking lot of a sports arena, there is one important thing to remember.  This is not the time or place to try and hold a conversation with any "real world" meaning.  Please do not try to lure your man over to watch the game with any intent on discussing the path of your relationship, politics, the energy crisis, or anything other than the game for that matter.  TRUST ME, it will not go well.

Food follows the same basic rule.  Your meals/snacks should be tasty of course, but more importantly, easy to serve and eat.  What a tragedy it would be for a big play to happen during the game and you and your guests are trying to cut your herb-crusted pork loin with a fork and knife. 

On this page we hope you will find a recipe or two that you can make for the game.  After all, you are going to need to keep your energy up with all the cheering you will be doing!

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